郑建军 Zheng Jianjun
2007年毕业于莫斯科斯特罗冈诺夫工艺美术大学 公共建筑雕塑系 硕士
工作室:俄罗斯美术研究院院士--亚历山大.尼古拉维奇.布鲁伽诺夫 [А. Н. Бурганова]
Graduated from A.H.Byprahoba Studio Public Architecture and Sculpture Department of Academy of Industrial Art;
obtained Masters Degree in 2007; following Russian meritorious artist, academician of the Art Institute of Russia---А. Н. Бурганова during the period from 2002 to 2007.
Obtained Russian Young-sculptor Support Funds, jointly issued by Academy of Russia Art Science,
Russian Sculptor Promotion Foundation and sculptor--Yuri Ali Hoff
2011年哈萨克斯坦国际雕塑创作营 雕塑《荷塘夜雨》第三名
Joined the International sculpture symposium of Kazakhstan 2011, and got the third place
现居舟山群岛 从事雕塑、纪录片、实验影像创作。
Now living in Zhoushan islands,engaging in the sculpture creation,documentary and experimental movie making